The geodatabase on Main Ports - Waste at ports was created in 2018 by CETMAR using the Ports 2013 data available in Eurostat web page ( It is the result of the aggregation and harmonization of datasets provided by several sources from all across the EU and is available for viewing and download on EMODnet - Human Activities web portal ( Following the MARPOL Convention waste at ports have been reported by Ports indistincly in cubic meters(m3)and/or in tonnes and classified as oily waste (Annex I), garbage (Annex V), sewage (Annex IV), Harbor Waste (garbage) and Total Amount*. These datasets are updated on an annual basis and includes annual data from 2000 to 2018 (where available) in the following countries: Estonia, Finland, France, Latvia, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Romania, Sweden, Croatia, Malta, Netherlands and Spain.*Total Amounts only report the sum of available values for each of the given units (m3 or tonnes).Waste at Ports (m3) |
Waste at Ports (Locations Only) |