Physical loss (HOLAS 2)
Short description
Physical loss pressure layer combines all human activities that cause physical loss of seabed. The pressure is given as area lost in each cell (km2). For the polygon datasets the area was assumed to be the lost area. For line and point datasets spatial extents were calculated with buffers (below in brackets). If no buffer extent is indicated, the data was reported as polygon. The human activities used for the physical loss pressure: - Bridges (2 m) - Cables (operational; 1,5 m) - Coastal defence and flood protection (area of polygon, 50 m for lines) - Dredging (capital dredging, Area of polygon or a 25/50 m buffer for <5000 m3 / >5000m3 points) - Extraction of sand and gravel - Finfish mariculture (150 m) - Harbours (polygon with 200 m buffer) - Land claim (area of polygon, 30m buffer for lines) - Marinas and leisure harbours (200 m) - Oil platforms (25 m) - Oil terminals and refineries (200 m) - Pipelines (operational; 15 m) - Shellfish mariculture (area of polygon, 150 m points) - Watercourse modification (50 m) - Wind turbines (operational; 30m point location of turbine) The datasets were first processed separately covering the whole Baltic Sea and then merged into one uniform data layer and minimizing the effect of overlapping areas. Polygon areas were clipped with coastline to remove buffered areas that reached to land.
Point of contact
HELCOM Secretariat
Spatial extent
['7.818737', '33.903834', '52.502121', '66.484464']
Metadata information
Oceanographic geographical features ; GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0 ;

physical environment ; environmental impact ; GEMET ;


Resource provider(s)
HELCOM Secretariat

Data source: See separate fact sheet on human activities listed in the description. Data quality: Gaps occurs due to lack of data. See specific details from the human activities fact sheets. Attribute information: Final normalised pressure value (0-1), Value equals also to area (km²) lost in each grid cell. Spatial coverage: Entire Baltic Sea. Spatial resolution: Original data as points, lines or polygons. Finally data converted to 1 km x 1 km grid.