Short description
Dataset contains the aircrafts in the Baltic Sea area capable of oil spill surveillance. Dataset contains the aircrafts in the Baltic Sea area capable of oil spill surveillance. The locations of the aircrafts are symbolic, representing only the home country of the aircraft. See also the use restrictions -section. ATTRIBUTES: - AIRCRAFT : type name of the aircraft - TYPE : type of aircraft (airplane, helicopter) - SPEED_KN : speed in knots - ENDURANC : flight time (hours) - HOURS_YE : surveillance flight hours per year - RS_EQUIP : surveillance equipment For information about HELCOM's air surveillance activities, see:
Point of contact
HELCOM Secretariat
Spatial extent
['8.627903', '31.940525', '51.893271', '62.405739']
Metadata information
Environmental monitoring facilities ; GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0 ;

aircraft ; oil spill ; surveillance ; GEMET ;


Resource provider(s)
HELCOM Secretariat

The information of aerial surveillance capacity was gathered from the states surrounding the Baltic Sea by HELCOM and delivered to Finnish Environment Center as text files (tables). These different files were combined into one table and transformed to a shape file. The location was chosen in a symbolical sense only, indicating the country owning the equipment. The original dataset was projected in World Mercator projection. In 2005 this was converted to ETRS 1989 LAEA projection by HELCOM. Data has been checked annually and updated in December 2004 and in October 2005. In March-April 2008, Estonian, Latvia, Polish, Russian and Sweden details were updated. In April 2009, amendments were made in the information of German and Sweden aircrafts.